Animal Abuse
Trafficking, Poaching & Illegal Breeding
Animals at these "torture facilities" live in small enclosures, some in shopping malls. They are denied medical care and primary care such as food or water while forced into daily interactions for food. The management and oversight of operations are substandard at best and employees lack the basic knowledge needed to care for captive wild animals. Employees discard dead animals found during “life checks” each day and another each night. The chain views animals as commodities or replaceable stock, they could care less about conservation or educating the public about the wildlife, they capitalize on.
Each location is plagued by animal welfare issues, animal deaths, legal violations, and injuries to employees and the public from direct contact with animals. They continues to be hit with neglect allegations, often from former employees; has an ever-growing list of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) citations; and is notorious for exploiting animals for entertainment.
"The USDA shouldn't be issuing licenses for convicted wildlife traffickers to exhibit animals"